Quick Trouble Shooting Guide
Hinovision IP Cameras
Hinovision Technical Team
Aug. 24th, 2018
Hinovision IP cameras can be used along with Hinovision NVR or as standalone devices. This guide will list most commonly seen problems and how to trouble shoot them.
Camera Default Settings
IP address:
Username: admin
Password: 12345
SADP Download: https://app.box.com/s/8o6x04qsxwara6yz2ko47lt5gshfg2f3
You will be able to find and modify the IP address of all Hinovision cameras across network segment with SADP tool
Go the NVR Configuration -> Camera, Select the channel camera is currently on and click on configuration, choose manual and enter the correct camera password.
To reset the password, you need to use the SADP tool to generate the camera key request file (.xml)
Please download the SADP tool from the link below.
After you download the SADP tool installation file, install it and run it from your computer.
Connect your computer and camera to the same network. You will see the following interface; check the box of the camera you wish to reset the password. If you did not see the camera, click on refresh.
Then click on Export button and save the device key.
Send the device key file you just generated along with device Serial number to support@hinovision.com
You can find the device serial no. form the SADP tool.
It will take about 1 business day to generate the reset key.
Password reset key is time sensitive; you need to use corresponding to the current time.
Also, DO NOT power off the device until you finished the password reset process or the device key will change and password reset key will be invalid.