How to Configure
Hinovision Fisheye Camera?
Hinovision Technical Team
Hinovision Fisheye Camera supports multiple mounting position and Display Modes. Fisheye view aside, it also supports a combination of Panoramic view and lower resolution PTZ view.
This document will show you how to configure different mounting positions and viewing angles through Web Interface and iVMS-Pro client software.
Test Environment
IPC model: IPC7F6-AF
Firmware Version: V5.4.14 build 160615
Software Name: iVMS-Pro
Software Version: V2.5.1.7 build 20160830
- Connect the Hinovision Fisheye camera to PoE switch, visit the camera web interface with IE browser.
Default Camera IP address:
Default Password: 12345
Please refer to How to find IP address of Hinovision IPC with SADP Tool in Local Network if you cannot find the IP address of the Fisheye Camera.
- To adjust the mounting position and display mode, click on Live view tab on the top, then click on hardware on the left, select the mounting type according to your camera position, also choose the output display mode you desire.

Note: Display mode supports the following combination; each channel is a dedicated stream and can be received by NVR separately.
- 1 x fisheye (3072 x 2048, 25fps)
- 1 x panoramic (2048x1536, 30fps)
- 4 x PTZ at (1024 x 768, 30fps)
- 1 x fisheye(2048 x1536, 15fps) and 3 x PTZ (1024 x 768, 15fps)
- 1 x fisheye (1280 x 1280, 15fps) and 1 x panoramic (2048x1536, 15fps) and 3 x PTZ (1024 x 768, 15fps)

If viewed from IE browser, it can achieve up to 9 views, achieved by software (NVR is not able to receive channel achieved by software mode)

- To connect the fisheye camera to iVMS-Pro,
- Select the Device Management tab, Click on Server, choose Encoding Device. You will find your Hinovision Fisheye camera in the Online Device List, Select the camera and click on Add to clinet.

- Enter the Nickname and Password, then click on Add

- You can now view the Fisheye camera from Main view now

- You can remote configure the Fisheye camera through iVMS-Pro, Right click on any of the camera icon and choose Remote Configuration

- To add Fisheye camera to NVR
- Access your NVR web interface with IE

- Go to Configuration, select Camera Management on the left, select the channel you want to use for Fisheye Camera, and click on Modify

- Enter the IP address, channel number and password for the fisheye camera
Note: Since fisheye camera output more than one channel, Repeat b and c to add all the channels you want to display

- You can now view the Fisheye camera from NVR

- Control PTZ on Fisheye Camera
Fisheye camera supports up to 3 PTZ output, you can control them as regular PTZ camera with PTZ control button through iVMS-Pro, Web interface or NVR interface.